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Tarot Card of the Month December - Ace of Wands
This month’s Tarot card of the month is the Ace of Wands. This card is from the Minor Arcana, the suit of Wands which connects with new beginnings, creativity, inspiration and potential for personal growth.
The Ace of Wands is a highly positive card filled with energy and promise. It represents your sense of purpose and the realisation of your unique potential in life in line with your soul’s purpose. It also can signify a spiritual awakening and the beginning of a deeper connection with your intuition.
The Ace signifies a NEW BEGINNING together with raw potential. There is a strong pull for you to begin something new at this time.
This card is often seen as a lightbulb moment, a spark of a fresh idea, encouraging you to tap into your creative abilities whether this be through art, writing, new projects, innovative thinking or a business idea that you have been dreaming of.
Each of us is born with unique gifts and talents that are deeply woven into the fabric of who we are. These innate abilities are not random but are aligned with our soul’s purpose, waiting to be nurtured and expressed. Our gifts can be varied as creativity, empathy, resilience, intuition or analytical thinking, each serving as a guide toward paths that fulfil us. By embracing and developing these natural talents, we connect more profoundly with our true calling and unique contributions we’re meant to make in this world. When we follow this inner guidance, our lives become aligned with a sense of meaning and purpose, allowing us to impact others in ways that only we can. Cultivating our gifts not only enriches our lives but also inspires and uplifts those around us, creating a ripple effect that aligns with the higher intentions of our soul.
So now is the time to be ambitious and connect with your gifts. Be mindful and most of all be focused on how you would like your dream to manifest down to the smallest of details. Do not try and work out how this will occur, just trust that this is your moment and that you will be guided along the way and that everything will fall into place.
If you are feeling stagnant or blocked at this time, this card is here to remind you that if you take a step forwards in a positive direction, then your personal power will come in to direct you. Take control of your path by acting on your desires, inner strength and new found courage to break free from all that is limiting you.
You are now being invited to move forward energised and full of confidence. This is the right time to take a leap of faith and find your true happiness.
Get ready 3…2…1!
I am capable of anything I set my mind to
I have the power and energy to manifest my goals and dreams
I believe in myself
I am focused
I bounce back from challenges
I am ready to show up for myself
Ann Stern