In the still dark moments of the early dawn
There lay an angel upon my garden lawn
In the stillness of the break of day
She said that she had lost her way
It was because that night I couldn’t sleep
I had gone into the garden I love to keep
Beauty and peace filled with all my happy shrubs
Fruits growing on a patio filled with tubs
She said “I’m on a mission sent from Heaven
To find the perfect garden and those at number seven
There is no number on your gate
And next door says number eight”
I said “I know who lives in that house
A miserable old man and his disabled spouse
Their garden is filled with weeds”
The angel said “they need my loving seeds
She gave me a packet and said “Its angel dust”
We went to number seven the door covered in rust
Together we sprinkled seeds around far and wide
And like magic we were both inside
The gentle angel flew around their bed
Sprinkling angel dust around each head
I am sure I saw the old man smile
Even if it was for just a while
Back in my garden we said our goodbye’s
As I gazed into the angels eyes
The sun had come up it was the break of day
I waved her goodbye as she flew away
Last week I saw the people from number seven
She was walking..He was smiling..A gift from Heaven
“We love your garden” the old man said
“This is my wife..first time she has been out of bed”
“Our garden is such a mess
As life for us has been full of stress”
I said “I love to garden and when the weathers fine
Would you like me to help you? I have the time”
I often wonder if she really lost her way
The lovely angel I met that day
But I have no doubt that she was sent from Heaven
So I could help those folks at number seven
Written by Pattie Greenberg….member of JASH and the JPS