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Tarot Card of the Month July

Tarot card of the month

This month's Tarot Card of the month is The Chariot which comes from the Major Arcana and its energy connects with hard work, balance, determination, focus, triumph and overcoming obstacles.

This card advises us on how to move forward successfully with a new goal or project, or make space for the success of a current goal that is not moving forward at a pace you are happy with. The guidance is to create stability by balancing all aspects of your life and be ready to overcome any apparent obstacles that are in your pathway.  

The Chariot signifies life and just how fast paced it is. In essence, the Chariot is the speed of life, not to be confused with the speed of light. When you visualise a Chariot you see a fast moving vehicle drawn by two horses (running concurrently with one another) and led by a driver (you). The imagery represents how you ideally should navigate through life by organising your time and creating stability for optimum success. 

It is vital during the month of July that you create balance in your life and have all your ducks neatly in a row.

The Chariot questions how you are running your life as only by living in a manageable and organised way will you be able to move forward triumphantly.  
Nurturing all aspects of your life including the time spent; working, sleeping, seeing family and friends, alone time, resting, exercise, hobbies etc. contributes to a harmonious life.

If you are about to take on a new challenge, which could be a new business, changing job, starting a new hobby, a new course or a project, to ensure success, it is time to bring your ‘A Game’ by cleaning up our act, getting super organised and staying focused and steady in your aims.  Then you will confidently career forwards in life and overcome the obstacles in your pathway to achieve your goals and ambitions.

ACTION: Take time out this month to prioritise and nurture what and who is important in your life and delight in the positive experience and experiencing a successful outcome.

MESSAGE: Remember to focus and keep your eye on the ball!

I am in perfect harmony
I am in balance
I am focused on my goals and ambitions 
I am dedicated
I am successful

Ann Stern

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