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Tarot Card of the Month October

10 of swords

This month’s Tarot card of the month is the 10 of Swords. This card from the Minor Arcana, the suit of Swords connects with life lessons and challenges and how to deal with them in an authentic way.  

The 10 of Swords is one of the more powerfully charged, intense cards connecting with painful challenges, thoughts, communication and conflict. 

The deep emotional and mental pain associated with this card highlights that you have reached an ending or the lowest point in a situation, possibly hitting a rock bottom. The 10 of Swords is communicating to you that now the worst is over!

Acknowledge victory over this painful situation and feel empowered as you face a new dawn and a long period of positivity moving forwards.

Life is like an elastic band; when we experience a dark period in our life, the elastic band pulls strongly in a negative direction but when life begins to recalibrate as it eventually does, the elastic band pings quickly in the opposite positive direction. This dark period is ultimately there to bring light into your life.  This light is released when you reflect and learn from a past situation, the lessons and the tools you have now gained..

When we are exposed to negative periods in our life, although through it all we may have cried, felt weak, been ready to give up, faced our darkest thoughts and demons it is important to recognise that overall, we have triumphed and come through it. We should feel grateful to have been given new tools and experiences that will stay with us for life and hopefully one day we will be in a position to help and guide others going through similar experiences.

We all get the calling to do shadow work from time to time, either through choice or because we are experiencing a challenging painful situation in our life. This shadow work means that we have to navigate through the darker side of ourselves; and personal development books and videos help us to improve our weaknesses in our characters and our insecurities.  Self improvement is a very rewarding, beneficial and meaningful experience which I believe is vital to our overall well being.

October is a time of great healing and the time to let go of what now doesn’t serve you; past hurts or regrets and ultimately, the things that cannot be changed. So dust yourself down and congratulate yourself on your resilience and strength and take the steps to move forward to a new phase in your life as an empowered person.

This card indicates that you are now ready to take a new pathway and find the ultimate success you have been desiring.

Action: journal your thoughts daily and write down your positive plans for the coming month.

Ann Stern

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