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  • Writer's pictureDana Morgan

New Year, New You, New Moon

new moon

I can hardly believe that we are already so far through January. After the rush and madness that so often seems to surround the Christmas and New Year celebrations, I find that the opening month of the year is shrouded in a sort of a mental fog for many people. There is the struggle to get back into routines after a holiday break, the struggle to maintain those well intentioned resolutions made just a few weeks ago, the guilt at having already let them slip…

Personally, I don’t really like to make any New Year resolutions. This is due, in part, to my tendency to rely on the more ancient methods of marking the passing of time through the cycles of the seasons, the moon, the planets. I connect to the natural passing from year to year that occurs at the spring equinox. This year that will be 20th March at 21.58pm for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. I also just happen to think that January is generally a tough month to get through without adding all that pressure on myself.

That said, there are some exciting and powerful planetary aspects happening right now and in the coming weeks. As I write we are moving into a particularly strong full moon, when we can all expect emotions to be heightened and passions stoked. Beware the inner Werewolf in us all fighting to make an appearance. It’s his time!

With this in mind, don’t be surprised if your instincts are telling you to hide away and hibernate. As I mentioned in my last blog, our instincts are closely connected to universal energy and its shifts. During times of heightened tension and chaos, as often felt during a full moon phase, it’s not unusual to want to protect ourselves from this.

However, it can also bring great opportunity and creativity, so it’s worth sticking around! Start by clearing your space – both physically and psychically. Nothing like a pre spring spring clean to get rid of mental and actual clutter! I find black tourmaline is good for this as you can carry some with you or place discreetly in your office and around your home. It has protective qualities and can help fend off any negative energy and vibes. It looks good too! Our shop has a number of other lovely holistic products to aid this process.

Once you’ve cleared some space it’s a good time to channel your preferred mystic guide, get a tarot reading, connect to the current astral aspects and projections. As you move through the remaining winter months it’s an optimal time to reassess where things are at, and, most importantly, where you desire things to go. Right now, and at the end of any moon cycle, questions of what we are doing with our lives often come to the fore with great intensity. We are tapping into the surge of energy that comes with the moon reaching its final phase. With that comes a great opportunity to prepare yourself, both for the beginning of the first phase of the new moon, and the beginning of the changes you desire to implement. You will also need to prepare for the inherent endings that precede this of course, that are a crucial part of this final phase. Whether that’s letting go of old behaviours and negative thought processes, unhealthy relationships; the sheading of the old skin is necessary for the new to breathe and flourish.

Perhaps you decide you are looking for love to come into the space you have cleared. You could invest in some rose quartz crystals, or our red love candle (particularly good around a full moon), or see if your spirit guides have any advice on your path. Do the ground work now and you may be enjoying your next Valentine ’s Day with someone new.

Is it a new career path you’re hankering after? Well, this is the time to really challenge yourself to answer what it is you really want to do, then start implementing the ground work once the new moon phase arrives.

As humans the life/death/life (birth/death/rebirth) cycle is a natural part of out internal, and eternal, clock.

For some reason many of us have chosen to move from the monthly incarnation of this as represented by the wax and wane of the moon, the passing of the seasons, as our guide to our own need to check ourselves, end what needs to finished, create anew the desires that have arisen from the ashes of those endings. This disconnect from the natural, the universal energy, may be one reason we are damaging the planet at such a rate. As a whole, humanity has lost its deeply spiritual link to the heartbeat of the planet, to the universe.

Through tuning into the mystical powers of our own energy, and that of the rhythms of others, of spirit guides, and our planet, we can regularly get back in step, and dance afresh in the moonlight.

If you are sharing this blog, please be mindful to share the message in its entirety 2019 Dana Morgan/Destiny Rising. All right reserved.

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