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  • Writer's pictureDana Morgan

Turn to Tarot in Lockdown

As we are heads down and just trying to get through this lockdown, should we be looking at other ways to get us through? With the freezing weather and no actual end in sight, could a tarot reading hold the answers for us? But we can't go out, I hear you say. Don't worry at Destiny Rising we have a team of telephone tarot readers waiting to answer your call.

tarot reading

We found over the last lockdown in March 2020 that after a quiet first month lots of people turned to us to help with answers in this uncertain time. There are so many questions that people need to know, not least when all this will end. But when you are looking to make key changes or new plans in your life, living in uncertain times, most definitely does not help.

A common factor during lockdown is worry, whether it is worry about your family, career and job security, finances, your children's mental health or the overall impact upon your relationships. With so much unknown out there, could a tarot reading be the answer?

Our tarot readers have a broad range of specialisms, including mediumship. crystals and clairadience, and are available to answer your call 24/7. Often the best way to find a tarot reader best positioned to answer your questions is to call us on the numbers above. Our experienced call handlers can guide you to the right tarot reader for you.

Our tarot readers have been so busy answering your questions, but they are still here for you in this critical time. Many of them have increased their hours, as their giving psychic natures have told them to give more back to the universe, and that includes you. Could your question be:

Should I stay with my partner?

Is the love of my life still out there?

Will I ever get married?

Will my daughter prosper under home learning?

Should I carry on with toxic friendships?

Is it the right time to change jobs?

How will my finances recover?

How can I protect my family, or should I?

What should I be priortising to stay sane?

How much should I support my parents?

How to maintain positive energy and see my way through this?

Often you might have the answer to these questions, but you don't believe in yourself. Our tarot readers will help you to uncover your inner strength and help you get through this lockdown. We know you can do it. Use this time wisely with a tarot reading from Destiny Rising and attract true happiness and abundance in your life.


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