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  • How to get the most from your Phone Tarot Reading

    If you have never had a tarot reading before, especially one on the phone, where you don't have the face to face connection, you might be wondering how you can go about getting the most from your reading. Here we give you some important advice on how to approach your phone tarot reading. To get yourself in the right mindset before your phone tarot reading consider this.... If you ask someone a wooly open ended question, what kind of reply do you get? Generally one that doesn't make much sense! When you ask a well thought through question of the tarot cards, you should get a well thought through answer in return. If your question is too vague, such as 'will I ever find my dream job', it is hard to get the correct meaning from the cards that you draw. Instead, if you ask 'what actions should I take to build my career', the cards can be more reflective and help you to think more deeply about what you want to achieve. You can explore your reading more effectively and keep yourself open to any answers that may appear. Our number one tip is simply to ask the right questions, but how do you know what they are?! What are the best type of questions in a tarot reading? At Destiny Rising we love an open ended question, ie one that needs a bit more of an answer than a simple yes or no. A closed question does not allow for any deep reflection or exploring the situation you find yourself in, they will just tell you what is or isn't going to happen. Not that helpful to help you on your journey of exploration. To ask open-ended questions, avoid starting the question with Will…, When… and Should…, and instead ask What…, How… and Why. Think why are you asking the question? Before you ask the question, maybe ask yourself why you need to know this, to really get to the heart of the question. Staying on the job theme, and looking for your dream career, instead of asking 'will I ever get a new job', you could ask the cards to tell you about what your strengths are. For example 'what powers do I possess to take my career forward?' Understanding more about yourself and having better self awareness, could more effectively steer you toward the right career path, it could even be one you haven't even considered before. It could be that you are on the right path already and the cards could point out other aspects of your life that would help you to achieve your aspirations in life. So, What's Next? Whilst we are advising you to think about the questions you want to ask the tarot cards in advance, it's always good to have some follow up questions too. These might not be questions that you can prepare for in advance, who knows what the cards will tell you. But, during your reading you should take some time to reflect on what you have been told and continue to delve further and ask more of the cards. So, for example, once your strengths have been identified you could explore more about what makes those strengths so important, or what changes you need to make to align yourself further with this goal. You could look at what changes you could make to yourself and the choices you make. Are you aligned with the right people in your life, are you living in the right location? Whatever the questions you want to ask of the cards, at Destiny Rising we have a tarot reader for you. Simply look at the list of available tarot readers and call us today on 0330 1140011 to pay by card or on 0905 0058165 to pay via phone bill. We are waiting for your call.

  • Why we Celebrate the Winter Solstice

    On a technical level, the winter solstice on December 21st marks the start of the metrological winter and the time when the North Pole is most tilted away from the sun, but what is the spiritual meaning of this time of year? One way to think about it, is celebrating the return of the light as the days start to become longer. The actual moment of the solstice in 2022 will occur at 9.48pm GMT in the UK, but most people concentrate on the whole solstice day, which has been recognised by holidays and festivals in many cultures all over the world. The shortest day lasts 7 hours 49 minutes and 42 seconds in London. This means that the length of day during the winter solstice is 8 hours, 49 minutes shorter than the summer solstice. What is the history of the Solstice? The pre-Christain festival, the Fest of Juul is one of the earliest festivals that we can trace back to show us some Christmas traditions. Such as the Yule log which was started from lighting fires on the longest night to symbolise the returning of the light and sun. When you think about it, you can see the symbolism of the solstice woven into many other celebrations around December whether Christian or Pagan. So here are some more spiritual ways to reclaim the season. Some may seem to be very Christmassy, but maybe we are still showing the true origins of Christmas .... Send Love to All This year spreading love to all around you has never been more important. When you can't meet with friends, family and colleagues, you can still spread love in so many ways. Send cards or give gifts to show people your feelings, maybe widen your audience to spread the cheer further. Pick up the phone, send a message or arrange a video call, let people know how loved they are. There are so many ways to spread the love at this time of year, even when we can't be face to face with people. Celebrate the Season Commemorate the Yule season with a series of rituals and feasts. Something that we do for Christmas each year. Obviously, this will be different this year, but we can still honour the season with delicious feasts. In a normal year we would be celebrating with office parties from now, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve and all that comes between. Exchanging gifts and connecting with people physically, spiritually and virtually are great ways to honour the passing of the year. Even if it is smaller don't let the season pass without preparing a celebratory meal. Adorn your Home Not just for Christmas decorations, but you could welcome the solstice in Druidic colours of red, green and white. Holly, ivy, pine cones and evergreen boughs are a beautiful and natural way to adorn your home. If your Christmas tree is a living one, celebrate it as a solstice tree and incorporate some pagan decorations too. Celebrate the Mother and Father of the Season Does Santa embody the characteristics of the Roman god Saturn, Cronos - Father Time, Grandfather Frost, Thor and Odin? All of these pagan gods can be compared to Santa, so in honouring him in this season you are honouring the pagan gods also. You can also honour the Godess as the Great Mother with a sun child, welcoming the sun back to your lives. Bring Light into Your Home By adorning the inside and the outside of your home with light in whatever form works for you, you are celebrating the lengthening of the days and the new year. You could also burn a Yule log as a spiritual offering and awakening of the New Year to come. Be Charitable Spread your good will and charity to all around you. Contribute to charitable causes or maybe volunteer your time, if appropriate. Consider the animals too, make sure your garden birds are well fed and all the pets in your life are healthy and happy. At the end of this difficult year and as we face a very different Christmas, why not let the light into your home and start to welcome 2023. Be kind and spread love wherever you can. If you are unsure what 2023 holds for you, or are looking for ways to recover from this awful year, why not call one of our phone tarot readers who are here to help you to find the answers that you need.

  • Manifesting Your Way into 2023

    As we near the end of 2022 and are looking at the start of 2023, it's a time to start to think about the year that has been and the new year to come. After yet another difficult year (it's got to get better soon surely!), you might be feeling like you haven't achieved very much. So how do you make 2023 a year to remember? By harnessing the power of manifesting! So, what does manifesting actually mean? It means attracting the most important thing you really want in your life and making it happen! Simple in thought, but it does require some work and belief that whatever you want to happen, will happen – only if you want it badly enough. There’s really no limit as to what you want to manifest…the only limit is you. So here are some tips for manifesting your goals in 2023.... What do you want to manifest? Quite clearly, the most important part of manifesting is setting your goal or target of what you want to actually achieve by the end of 2023. Whatever you choose, the most important thing is to believe that it will actually happen. If you were after a job change, then you will need to approach this with confidence and belief. Imagine if you go for a job interview with the thought in your head that it's not for you, well that is what you will manifest to the interviewer. Change your attitude and belief and that job is in the bag! After defining your goals then you must believe in it and be able to visualize your 2023 success. new job, promotion, new relationship, end of a relationship. You must believe in yourself and see that the only person that can make these dreams manifest is you. Other ways to formulate your belief could be daily affirmations or visualization. Whatever works for you to follow your goals and dreams. The decisive step of manifesting your goal – to feel good and deserving of whatever it is that you are receiving. Say you want to make more money. So, you work harder at work, or start a side hustle. When you receive some of what you want, feel the joy in it and feel good about it. Because when you do, you start to believe that you deserve even more and will work towards that. It's all a positive cycle – ask or set your sights on a goal, believe that you can make it happen, work towards affirming it, and when everything falls into place, receive it all with even more positivity so that you can go even further in your manifestation! It’s not magic. To manifest your goals, you need to work at it. But if you combine that with confidence and positivity, your energy will radiate in this manifestation process, and you will naturally attract only good things to yourself. How An Online Tarot Reading Can Help you to Manifest At Destiny Rising, we have an amazing team of online tarot readers. So, if you are struggling to visualise your 2023 goals, why not call us so that we can find the right tarot reader to help you to manifest your 2023 goals. Plus, don't forget that they are there 24/7 throughout the year to help you to assess your goals and continue to work towards them. It's an going process....

  • Can a Tarot Reading Help Your Career?

    In these times of change, we are experiencing an increase in calls for tarot readers to provide career guidance. Maybe you didn't realise that a tarot reading can help you with career advice, so we are here to show you how we can help. When thinking about changing jobs, having this confirmed to you can be a great confidence boost. You could ask a friend or colleague their thoughts, but what happens if they don't fully understand your role? A career tarot reading could be the positive affirmation that you are looking for. What Does a Career Tarot Reading Involve? Usually, there are 78 tarot cards within a single pack. Each card relates to what is called a tarot archetypes. Archetypes represent highly evolved aspects of our collective unconscious. We can all relate to tarot archetype symbols since they correspond to hugely important life events and people in our lives. Within a pack of tarot career cards, there are 12 archetypes. The most well-known and frequently referenced ones are the Self, the Persona, the Anima/Animus and the Shadow. Each has a specific meaning relating to everyday life: The Persona - how we present ourselves to the world, which can be different to how we actually feel. The Anima/Animus - represents the balance of feminine and masculine traits we have and how they interplay. The Shadow - the animal aspect of our personality that controls creative and destructive behaviour. The Self - The bringing together of our conscious and unconscious minds. Key Facts About Tarot Career Readings During a Career Tarot reading you will experience a similar start to any other type of tarot reading. Your reader will pick the deck of 78 cards into two piles, known as the major and minor arcana. Major arcana cards are commonly referred to as the trump cards. There are usually 22 within a pack, and they represent life lessons. They can often be deep and complex, and so, when one is drawn during your career tarot reading, it often sets the scene for your reading. Minor arcana cards, on the other hand, correspond with what is happening within your daily life. There are 56 of these cards, and they offer insight into how your day-to-day life impacts you and what you can do to move forward and achieve your goals. In a career tarot, they can be quite significant because they can help the sitter work through some of their conscious and unconscious barriers. There are four different minor arcana tarot suits, and these are: The Suit of Pentacles - this suit signifies career and wealth, so are the most important in a tarot career reading. The Suit of Sword - these represent how you order your ideas when making decisions. The Suit of Cups - these symbolise your feelings and intuitiveness and can help you to understand if a career move is right for you. The Suit of Wands - these signify your passion, energy and enthusiam, important in any career success. As practical cards, minor arcana cards are intended to reveal the life lessons you are currently absorbing. How Can a Tarot Reading Help me to make Career Decisions? A career tarot reading can give you the chance to reflect on your career, where you are and where you want to be. You should also take the time to consider all the factors that influence you within your workplace and externally. Here are some of the scenarios a career tarot reading can help: Interview preparation - clear your thoughts and boost your confidence. Plotting a course - are you at a crossroads in your career, tarot can help you to plot a course. Worklife Balance - a tarot reading can give you clarity on the best way to achieve this. Office Politics - how much should you get involved and where should you steer clear? Colleague relationships - build on your soft skills and learn how to nurture your colleagues If you are ready to subjectively stand back and a objectively examine your career, then you are definitely ready for a career tarot reading. Take a look at our tarot readers and you can search for a careers reader to guide you to making the next big choice in your life.

  • How is the Pink Supermoon Affecting Your Life?

    Leading Astrologer Rose Smith has predicted that the pink supermoon in Aries means that people could be feeling emotional and act too impulsively this week. And be warned, this level of turbulence could stick around for the next six months, just what we need. But don't worry, our phone tarot readers are here to guide you through this unpredictable time. The pink supermoon is likely to supercharge emotions and make people act before they think. This full moon brings brash, risk taking behaviours to the fore and could be set to stay around until October 25th, when a partial solar eclipse will see things begin to change. Great advice is to bear this in mind and retain a calm demeanour, don't let yourself be drawn into petty arguments where there will be no winner. Another aspect to look out for is that whilst people aren't thinking clearly secrets could be spilt. So, make sure to keep those secrets firmly in the closet. If you are in a rocky relationship, tread carefully as the power of this supermoon could trigger some powerful arguments, that could mean the end of the road for your relationship. If you are feeling ensure of things, why not call one of our love tarot readers, to find out whether this relationship is worth fighting for. To maintain calm in your life, look out for water signs to spend time with such as Pisceans, Cancerians and Scorpios. Cardinal signs such as Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn should watch out for the effects of the supermoon as their ability to stay on task and get things done, could be badly affected for the remainder of the month. Get those key jobs finished asap! Take the time through this turbulent time to focus on yourself and your inner peace. Meditate and work on resolving personal issues. Or maybe look at new beginnings whether they be a work project, new relationship or just simply moving out of your comfort zone. Whatever the next six months might bring your way, our phone tarot readers are waiting for your call today.

  • A Guide to Reading Tarot Cards

    As you already know, we have an amazing team of phone tarot readers waiting for your call, but whilst thinking about what questions you want to ask you can also look at a set of tarot cards yourself. If you are connected enough to the spirit world to find tarot cards helpful, then you can also use your intuition to read the cards yourself. A great tip is to build tarot cards into a daily ritual to gauge your mood and emotions. Here are some top tips for how to approach the cards and believe in your gut the answers that they give. Tarot cards are here to give you guidance in your personal life. The most common questions are in relation to love, money, career, goals and life paths. When you take possession of your tarot cards, they should come with a guidebook to help with interpretation. When looking at the cards, you should also use your intuition to guide you too, as these interpretations don't always apply to what is going on in your life. When you buy or are given a used set of cards, you should clear the deck. You want to remove other people's energy and infuse it with your own. Use smoke or sage to clear the cards and then touch every single card in the deck. When you start a daily tarot routine, it's important to have a ritual as to how you approach your deck. We suggest that once you take your cards out, take a moment, and have a few deep breaths where you ask your guide for a clear message. Then whilst holding the cards, knock or tap the deck several times to spread your energy through the deck. Then give the cards a thorough shuffle. Cut the cards into one pile and then put them back into one pile. Spread the cards out and choose the ones you are drawn to. Consult the guidebook or your intuition. When you remove a card from the deck what you do with it is your choice. You can read it and take it in and place it straight back. Or, you can leave it face up on top of the deck whilst all the other cards are face down, to give yourself time to contemplate the meaning. Maybe make a daily note of the cards you read to see if any patterns emerge. When you first start with tarot card reading, just pull one card a day and then build yourself up. Then you can build up to basic spreads. Here are two suggestions: Three card reading - one for the past, present and future. The week ahead - pull seven cards and before turning over assign a day of the week to each card. Keep your cards safe and don't let anyone else touch them. Regularly sage it and keep it with your favourite crystals. Look after them and they will look after you, protect them in a bag or a box. There's lots to think about here, but don't worry you are not on your own. We always recommend self reading as part of a ritual that includes regular reading with an experienced tarot reader. You can see this reader as your spiritual mentor. Then you can learn more about the cards and processes involved.

  • The Popularity of Astrology Continues to Grow

    In these times of uncertainty, we are definitely seeing a rise in the interest in astrology. When we can't see a way a head using astrology or a phone psychic reading can be a great way to see your future. It's something that people have turned to over the centuries in turbulent times, and that is definitely a good description for what we are living though now. Since the pandemic the interest in astrology has been booming. With face to face psychic readings unavailable alot of people turned to phone psychic readings. These clients came for many different reasons. Maybe they had lost a loved one to Covid and were looking for closure. Or in many cases the pandemic had made them review their life and career choices, and they were looking for guidance on a new direction. Others are just looking around for more information and knowledge while spending more time at home. One psychic said that people were forced to stay in one place, reflect on their lives and think about where their lives are headed. Instagram has also been a great driver in the renewed interest in astrology. With a great many posts on a myriad of different areas, providing an interesting and accessible approach to discover more. Whilst many posts on Tik Tok are bringing the spiritual world to an even younger age group, continuing to get more involved in our world. There are also games and apps available to bring a reading, literally to the palm of your hand. The younger generation finds that astrology is an intriguing way of looking at the world. It is far less dogmatic than religion, which is its primary appeal. Astrology has traditionally been used as a bridge between the scientific and the religious because it seems to be a practical middle ground. People are desperate to find meaning and patterns in this life, especially with the considerable uncertainties in the world where we’re stuck at the moment without much to do. Astrology inherently follows planetary cycles, so it aids the reader or the client see some patterns in the past that have already occurred, similar to what is happening now. This repeating pattern certainly gives comfort to some. A great way to start out and discover more about astrology and readings is to book one of our phone psychic readings. Our team of dedicated psychics can talk you through a reading and set you on a path to true enlightenment. Astrology can allow you time for instrospection and to discover your 'inner being'. A reading can provide alot of comfort and can allow you to make sense of things around you. But remember to use a psychic reading as part of your coping toolset and continue to look around you for other ways to navigate the world around you. Some people even consider talking to a psychic medium as a therapy session because most of the topics discussed are very intimate and private. Some astrologers are good at this because they want to get to the root cause of something bad or ugly to assist their clients to make sense of their world. As 2022 continues to be a time of turbulence, without even knowing who is leading our country, a psycgic reading could be what you are looking for. Why not look at one of our online tarot readers today and we will find the right reader to you to take you into 2023 and beyond.

  • Bless This House - House Cleansing and Blessing with Anne Stern

    Whether you are moving into a new home or you have been currently living in a space for a long period of time it is important to cleanse the space that you are living in. Just as homes need to be physically cleaned, they also need to be spiritually cleaned and this is called a house cleansing. A house cleansing is needed in addition to a house blessing and the spiritual protection of your home. A house cleansing will remove displaced spirits and negative energy that have collected in your home over the past years, months, and days. As we go through life, we accumulate energy from the places in which we pass. The people that we meet also influence how we feel and the kind of energy we end up with. Because we live in a world where negativity has become the order of the day, the majority of the energy we gather as we go about our daily activities can leave us feeling drained and blocked. This negative energy can also linger and embed itself into the very fabric and structure of your home, which can block positive changes that you would like in your life. Spiritual cleansing is important for many reasons. The first is that it purifies you and your sacred space of negative energy. Negative energy can build up and wreak havoc on our lives. In addition to getting rid of negative energies, spiritual cleansing will also purify your aura and space of displaced spirits and blocked energy. If you would like Ann to perform a House Cleansing and Blessing so that you can enter your new space attracting positive energy and love or to cleanse the energy of the space that you currently occupy, this is what will takes place. Ann will come to your home and have an informal chat about the home and talk about any energies that are being felt. Each room will be smudged with Sage and if I need to, for a deeper spiritual cleanse, I will also burn Palo Santo. Most houses will only need Sage, but if the house hasn’t been spiritually cleared for many years or at all, then stagnant negative energy may still be present after Sage has been used, and this is when I will burn Palo Santo which is known for its powerful ability to shift and dissolve old stubborn energies that have really built up over time. A Shamanic House Blessing will be performed with an incantation A short Tarot Reading will be given to offer guidance to the occupant(s) Crystals of Black Tourmaline, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Citrine will be energised and left in the home to provide and attract protection, love, healing, and abundance into the home. Remote Work Sometimes spirits get stuck and their rightful destination has not been completed for many different reasons. Ann can work remotely and it has proven to be equally effective. If you are experiencing the unwanted visitation of spirit in your home and you live too far away for Ann to visit, she can move an entity on to where it can be at peace. This is not the same as the house cleansing, it is purely for moving spirts on to their rightful place. please contact Destiny Rising to book or for further details on 01923 852522

  • Angels in Tarot

    As we all know, Angels are a very powerful presence in the spiritual world. If you are blessed enough to have a guardian angel in this life, count your blessings. But did you know that there are angels in the tarot cards? There are six tarot cards that explicitly show angles. They are in the Major Arcana and are Archangels to be precise, they are Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and Michael. Their wings expand through the borders of the cards, with the suggestion of the unlimited, the infintie, beyond the comfines of our everyday domestic lives. Angels feature in most dominant world cultures and religions and have many different interpretations in modern life. Are they departed human beings, or divine beings sent by God? S So Who are the Angels Represented in the Tarot Cards? Raphael Raphael is seen as the healing angel and the patron saint of the blind, sick, healing professionals, lovers and travellers. He is also considered to drive away nightmarea and is often depicted as young man holding a flask and/or a fish. The Lovers card in the Tarot clearly exemplifies the love aspect of Raphael’s patronage. However the card is also about his other modalities and can suggest travel, health and healing. It can also signify an important choice to be made or a temptation to be resisted, often putting the two together as a trial of love involving an important decision. Gabriel Gabriel is the messenger of God and thus signifies the same in the cards, interpreting messages and dreams. This card is about patience, moderation, and harmony. The blending of different elements brings about a new creation. It asks us to take a view: to view all things sub specieaeternitatis (in the context of eternity). In the vernacular, don’t sweat the small stuff! Uriel Translated as the devil card, but not to be equated with Lucifer. He often does good and is an 'Angel of Presence, but also can be seen as a firey and pitiless angel of the Earth who holds the key to the End of Time. This card asks us to repent or release the attachments in order to free ourselves from limitations and oppression. The chains around the necks of the couple in the card are loose – they could lift them off if they really wanted. In that sense it is a card of hope. When the Devil shows up in a reading it may indicate a reluctance or refusal to leave an unhealthy situation of dependency. It can also suggest repressed fears. Occasionally it is an invitation to break loose, adopt a devil-may-care attitude and have some fun! Michael Michael was the primary protecting and healing angel and thus this card can be regarded as judgement card. In the Bible he was the Defender of God’s realm against Satan in the Book of Revelation. He is also the Angel of the Lord and the Angel of the Dead, carrying deceased souls to Heaven. Michael’s function of offering a redemptive choice is the main significance of the Judgement card. He is a metaphor for a rite of passage and important change. Some sort of transition or transfiguration is required which will result in rebirth, healing, and regeneration. The card announces that this is the time for a reawakening and renewal. Out with the old self and in with the new. Which Card are the Angel Tarot Cards Featured in? The Wheel of Fortune The World Each angel can be seen in a corner of the cards. Raphael (Aquarius) is upper left, Gabriel (Scorpio) is the eagle, Michael (Leo) is the lion, and Uriel (Taurus) is the bull. Thus shows that angels are all around us, often in disguise, where can you find your angels in your life? If you would like to find out more about angels and see how they are represented in your tarot reading, find out how to book an online tarot reading today.

  • How Psychics And Mediums Harness The Power Of Technology

    As an online based phone tarot service we found this article about how technology helps to support psychics. As grounded spiritual people, you might not think that psychics need technology, but the world is changing and we all need to move with it, especially when we are selling our skills. From crystal healers and spiritualists, to numerologists and psychics, the rise of spirituality amongst millennials has been well documented. Perhaps this helps to explain why so many psychics, mediums and spiritualists use technology as a driving force in growing their businesses and connecting with their customers - whether that's through horoscope apps or inspirational memes on Instagram. Still not convinced? There's a huge network of spiritual individuals whose careers rely on technology, and The Debrief spoke to them to find out more... It's widely assumed that psychics utilise the internet and social media to research their clients before meeting them. But we wanted to know if this was true. Katy Moon, who is a writer at Spirit & Destiny magazine, says 'personally, I've never really come across anyone that's done this - researching someone on the internet is quite a lot of work to do.' She then tells me about the '1951 Fraudulent Medium's Act', which is designed to protect the public from dodgy psychic traders who attempt to deceive clients in a bid to make money. But, regardless of this relatively new act, UK based clairvoyant Emma Knowles says: 'I think there are absolutely people who [research their clients on the web], as it's human nature. But it's really against what everything to be of spirituality is.' 'People will come to see clairvoyants like me, not because they're not happy with their lives, but because they're after more of something. And if I was to go and research them online, I'd just be feeding back to them what they already know. Also, people put all of the highlights of their life on social media, so [if I researched them], I would only be able to feedback the highlights of their life to them - and that's not real.' Instead, Emma uses the internet to build her personal brand: 'social media is my shop front. Two of my clients flew in from California because they found me on Instagram. The really positive thing about [social media] is that if you're putting the right vibe out there, you're actually attracting people to the right place.' She credits her active website and Instagram pages - both of which share personal images of herself combined with motivational quotes - as being the things that have elevated her career. 'Tech is making things more accessible. I do distant healing with people in Canada and America, as I believe that you can send healing without ever meeting the person. You can do this over the phone [or Skype], so why can't you do it through social media! I think technology is energy in itself, isn't it? You're sending signals, so it's using frequency in the same way.' It seems that other spiritual healers, psychics and mediums have also cottoned onto the fact that being social-media savvy can work in their benefit. Katy tells us that Facebook Live streams and spiritual events which are promoted in Facebook groups are big. 'For the psychic industry, social media and the bringing together of people has been a massive development over the last 10-15 years. There's even a website and app called Meetup, where you can meet other likeminded people.' The site also hosts events varying from psychic readings to gong baths. As well as the option to pay for psychic readings and spiritual healing, there's also the option to access some content for free. 'There's Facebook groups and pages for motivational speakers and psychics, and they're really popular because they post inspirational quotes that make people feel better about their lives. A lot of psychics are almost like life coaches as well. Someone like Sally Morgan, (a popular TV psychic), has a very active presence on Facebook and is always posting. These kinds of people are doing lots of live events too, so they'll post videos or pictures from their events - they're really media savvy.' But what other tech do spiritual individuals use? Katy tells me she's heard of something called an 'electronic voice projection' recorder, which is a tape recorder used to record spirit voices through frequencies during ghost hunts. Spooky, I know. Emma uses recorders in a less drastic way: 'when I do readings, I record the session, so then after, I can send it to the client so they can digest it back.' Very clever. And as for apps? Well, there's one called Ghost Radar, which is meant to pick up on spirit activity in the room. Emma also swears by an angel card app, which she uses if she's feeling anxious. 'It's very relaxing to flick and pick a card. And you can't always come out in the middle of the office and lay out a spread of real life cards, but you can do that really quickly on a mobile phone.' If you would like to see how our online tarot tarot readers can help you, why not books a reading today.

  • The High Priestess | Tarot Explained

    As you approach your phone tarot reading with Destiny Rising it can help to understand the meaning of the cards. Here we look at The High Priestess and what the card can mean in a tarot reading. The appearance of the High Priestess tarot card in a reading can signify that the time has come for you to listen to your intuition, instead of your intellect and conscious mind. The High Priestess depicts the Divine feminine as seen in the archetypes of Isis and Persephone. She is the mysterious female that urges us into the deep un-knowns of the self, nature and religion. Listening to our own intuition, opening our spirituality, delving into new spiritual work, meditation or prayer. The high priestess is unquestioning of her knowledge and power, she is aware of the mysteries of nature, she can tap into ancient knowledge, she understands the workings and connections between science, nature, religion and philosophy. So this card is calling for you to go inward and trust your intuition and psychic insights at this time. You may feel like you want to retreat from the outside world a little, to concentrate on your thoughts and quiet contemplation. You may feel that you are being connected to a higher source of information at this time, go with it! You are at a stage of spiritual development whereby the need to reflect is strong. When you look at the high priestess card before you, you see her sitting on a cubic stone between two pillars at Solomons Temple. A letter ‘J’ carved on the right pillar stands for ‘Jachin’ the pillar of establishment and the letter carved on the left pillar stands for ‘Boaz’, pillar of strength. The High Priestess sits in the middle as the third pillar and the pathway between. Her message is that both pillars are equal and there is knowledge to be had in both worlds, she is the mediator between these worlds. She wears the crown of Isis which can mean that she believes in magic. The solar cross that she wears around her neck expresses her conviction to the four seasons of earth and four elements, it also lays upon her heart expressing that her heart is in entwined with the ways of nature. The mysteries of life is at the core of her knowledge. The Crescent moon at her feet denotes in many to depictions of the Virgin Mary and means she has complete control of her emotions. It symbolises illumination, fertility, intuition, and psychic force. On the flip-side, the moon can also dwell in the darkness, so although the moon is generally about clarity of mind and heart, being too swayed by the power of the moon can lead to erratic behaviour. The scroll that is closely guarded and cradled to her womb contains knowledge, that in the hands of those that have no respect or understanding for esoteric philosophy or the occult could be damaging, therefore she holds it and protects it with both hands, she understands that knowledge can be enlightening or damaging. Some say that the scroll is the Akashi records for every soul. The high priestess is ever on guard keeping the secrets of the scrolls until we are evolved enough to receive the knowledge that she commands. The pomegranates and palms are symbols of immortality and the veil that they are embroidered onto represent the threshold between this world and the next. When this card appears it suggests that you need to apply your intuition and open your eyes to the real potential of your abilities. If you have a hunch or get a feeling about anything in your life don’t ignore it, the process of believing in your inner guidance is calling to you, listen to your dreams see what they are trying to tell you. The answers to questions will be better answered by you rather than somebody else. In a work situation this card indicates change. The realisation of your talents, a job opportunity that you wanted for so long that fits your needs perfectly. But stay out of workplace politics and gossip. If relating to relationships this card may suggest that you or your partner needs time out, one of you may be looking for a deeper meaningful life path, or searching to find their inner peace. If this card comes up in regard to finances, it is possible that someone might not be being completely honest with you. If you are making business decisions, make sure everything checks out, and you do not go into something without fully investigating the paperwork etc.. Trust your instincts for all may not be as it appears. Overall this card asks you to listen to your own inner voice, to delve into the deeper spiritual resources of the universe, to seek understanding for your life and purpose. To learn how to connect with your higher power and the higher powers that be. To discover more about the power of tarot, why not try one of our online tarot readers today. Waiting for your call 24/7.

  • Tarot in the World of Fashion

    As we were pondering at Destiny Rising about what tarot facts to fill you with this month we came across this fascinating article on Vogue. com about the influence that tarot has had on fashion over the years. Did you know that in 2016 Maria Grazia Chiuri made her formal debut at the House of Dior with a breath-taking tarot theme collection. Christian Dior was highly superstitious and would always have his cards read before any show. As a homage a toward the spiritual world has always been woven into their luxury fabrics. In 2018 the Dior resort collection incorporated iconography from Motherpeace, a feminine tarot deck created by Karen Vogel and Vicku Noble in the late '70s. So it made sense for the 2021 spiring haute couture collection to follow suit with 45 looks that bring the cards to life and forecast a paranormal future to anyone that would want to be a part of it. Let's travel to Tuscany and look at the French American artist Niki de Saint Phalle and her 1998 installation "Tarot Garden". It features 22 ceramic masterpieces based on the major arcana of tarot set in 14 acres of garden. You can also buy her rare serigraph major arcana deck. Just opened at the MoMa are selected works of the late artist Ruba Katrib, who used tarot as a tool for understanding the journey of life. “I definitely see more openness to it in the present and a better understanding of its use of archetypes, not only as a divining tool, but a way of talking about our lives and relationships, our current situations, our past, as well as our hopes and dreams,” says Katrib. “It is a storytelling tool, so it is very connected to art.” As more and more people turn to spiritual guidance in these uncertain times, this is becoming more reflected in current fashion trends. Tarot reader Jessica Dore says; “Given that so much of what we’re in as a collective right now does feel so new, so unprecedented—climate catastrophe, late-stage capitalism, attention harvesting—I think we are all feeling a bit like lost children without elders or teachers to guide us,” says Dore. “So many of us are actively imagining and building new realities, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still need something with the energy of a grandmother to hold us. I think tarot, and many other practices that work in the language of symbol and archetype, have that. And I think as long as we are open to them, these things will continue to give us secrets about a way forward.” If you would like to find out how to make tarot part of your everyday life with our phone tarot readers, you can search our list of resers who are here for you.

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